Marriage and Basketball

The last time I played basketball was back in 2006 with my sister Nina. Playing basketball was the one and only one thing my mom encouraged me to do. She would say that because I am super tall it would be perfect for me. I played for about a year and gave up because I couldn’t stand the long runs at practice anymore. I was ok running on the court while playing, but as soon the coach would want us to run half of the neighborhood our basketball court was in I would be thinking about how much I hated it. I also had an issue where our practices would finish right when cartoons would start on the National TV Chanel. So even if I ran as fast as I could, I would still get home around 6:15pm or 6:20pm and the cartoon episode would end at 6:30pm or sometimes at 6:20pm if the episode was short.

So, I didn’t want to miss out on my cartoons anymore and I did not want to do the long runs. As for Grant, he played basketball throughout high school, traveled to Denmark, Sweden, and Finland on a traveling team for basketball, and was the captain of his team.

Yesterday I brought up the idea of heading to a basketball court and see if I can still play like I used too. Lord, did he whoop my butt! He served me three pointers left and right. And he was busy telling me “Oh baby, I am out of shape…” laughing at me in a smart way.

We had so much fun and decided we will be playing four times a week!

2 thoughts on “Marriage and Basketball”

  1. The best exercise in the world and the more you play the better you get and the easier it become.

  2. Gurl those cartoons was life 🤣🤣 I remember my mom use to tell us if you don’t take a nap after school no cartoons!! So we would sleep the whole afternoon for those cartoons haha. Wow!! I didn’t know you could play basketball ?? Keep surprising us hun😘

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